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Library Media Center

Librarian/Media Specialist Lindsey Faulkner sitting in the library of Dogwood Middle School.


Lindsey Faulkner

Miss Faulkner started her first year at Dogwood in 2024. She obtained her MLIS degree from Old Dominion University.  Miss Faulkner believes every student can have a love for reading, they just need to find the right book. Her favorite books growing up were anything with a mystery or magic. Recently, she has been reading as many graphic novels and manga as possible to keep up with student interest. 

The Library @ Dogwood Middle

The library at Dogwood provides nearly 5000 volumes on a wide variety of subjects . Although we are small, our collection is current and interesting. During the regular school day students are welcome to visit the library with a pass.

There is not a specific limit to the number of books that may be borrowed. Each student sets their own limit as the situation dictates. Students are expected to return all school library materials in a timely manner as a courtesy to other library patrons. In compliance with the RPS Student Code of Conduct, students are expected to return all school materials (i.e. library books) in good condition.

At Dogwood, all students are encouraged to read both for pleasure or to complete classroom assignments. The web-based version of Accelerated Reader is available for grades 6 and 7 as well as on-line databases such as World Book Encyclopedia. Other on-line services are available through the Richmond Public Library, Find It VA and through the RPS Student Learning Portal.

A Note About Responsible Reading:

In a library that serves students ranging in ages from eleven to fourteen, a wide variety of materials is needed.  What is interesting and appropriate for eighth graders may not be appropriate for sixth graders and vice versa.  If a book makes you or your parents uncomfortable, please return it and choose another one.

Our goal is to ensure that our students are “critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.” – Empowering Learners; Guidelines for School Library Media Programs.  American Association of School Librarians, 2009.

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