Wolves Den
Wolves Den is a space in our normal school schedule to hold extra activities that may occur outside of our normal curriculum. These may include social-emotional learning, team building, tutoring, and fine arts activities. Wolves Den days have a slightly altered schedule, with classes shortened several minutes to allow an extra period for these activities.
Desired Outcomes, Assessment, and Measurement of House Rotations
House Rotations
Alignment to School Foci
House Activity Rotation (Community)
Alignment to relationship building focus, organized reflective and community oriented activities to establish school culture
House Game Rotation (Movement)
Alignment to relationship building focus, organized physical games promoting collaboration and team building
Desired Outcomes
To establish a sense of belonging within our school community.
Our social emotional art driven house activities will help forge those community ties and establish ways for scholars to communicate effectively with their peers and teachers. Further, our structured physical rotation, House Games, will allow students to collaborate with one another as a team.
Improve peer and teacher relationships by developing those relationships further than we would in the classroom alone.
House rotations will foster a sense of belonging and help reduce student conflict in the building.
Assessment and Measurement
Our hope is to sense these outcomes within the feeling and culture of the school. In terms of measurement the goal would be to see a decrease in the number of referrals we are writing as well as a decline in student conflict.
Academic Remediation
Alignment to School Foci
Alignment to instructional delivery focus, teacher driven opportunity for academic intervention to heighten student achievement
Desired Outcomes
The opportunity for students to connect with a teacher in a small group setting.
Whether they have missing work they just weren’t able to get done in class or if they need individualized support they’ll be able to access it here.
Assessment and Measurement
On Tuesdays at grade level teachers will identify students who would benefit from academic support.
Specific tasks such as missing work or individualized interventions like reteaching will occur at this time.
Our hope is to improve scholastic achievement by meeting the academic needs of our students.
This can be measured by a decrease in missing work for students selected for academic remediation, and hopeful positive trends in our data.
Alignment to School Foci
Alignment to school vision: To affirm and prepare students to be their authentic selves through The Arts.
Desired Outcomes
Cross grade-level collaboration on performance pieces and mentorship on a shared interest.
Students in art companies have to audition/express interest and then work with each other across all three grade levels to rehearse and prepare a season of repertory for both in school performances and community opportunities.
Student leadership and guidance of school productions
Within the dance company students have the opportunity to create an original piece of choreography from start to finish. The student will cast their piece, research a topic of interest, create the movement, rehearse with their dancers, select music, and design the costumes. In total, a season could easily have anywhere from 5 - 11 pieces of choreography that needs to be taught, rehearsed, and performed.
Within the theater company students have the opportunity to design and rehearse scenes and full length productions. In addition, they are able to explore leadership opportunities within tech departments such as lighting, set design, costumes, and make up.
Assessment and Measurement
Our hope is to enact our school vision and create performance pieces for an array of audiences.
This can be measured through student engagement and leadership in company pieces, list of performances being held throughout the year, and successful execution of quarterly showcases.